Eclectic. Expressive. Extraordinary
TEXSTōN \tek-stohn\ n. A creative brand, manufacturing a line of architectural finishes that are natural, eclectic, and of the finest quality, ranging from mature slaked lime plaster, decorative cements, and other innovative surface finishes.
What is the inspiration for great architecture? For some, it may be the desire to express an emotion or create a certain atmosphere. Perhaps it is the way light plays across a subtlety textured surface. Or maybe it is the memory of a distant past, an intuition of a more glorious future, or an attempt to capture forever the pleasures of a fleeting moment.
Whatever fuels your desire to create a place of beauty, Texstōn Venetian plasters and Old World stuccos provide an endless palette of colors and textures to stimulate your creative vision. When you take a trowel or spatula in hand, Texstōn opens vast new aesthetic territory for you to explore.

Headquarters Canoga Park, CA
“A manufacturer of fine plasters much like those used by the masters of the Renaissance era - both in composition and appearance. Combining old-world manufacturing principles with today's technology.”
Texston Photo Gallery